HACK: optimise your campaign for key actions

From: Cristian - PixelYourSite - Sunday Aug 15,2021 10:00 am

Hey Leslie Snipes,

Cristian here, from PixelYourSite.com

You can tell Facebook to optimize your campaign for a particular action on your website. The algorithm will deliver your ads in front of people that are most likely to convert.

HACK: optimize your campaign for key pixel events

First, you need to configure an event that will be fired when the key action is performed on your website (transaction, newsletter signup, affiliate click, video view, etc).

If it's a Standard event, you can use it directly. If it's a custom event, you will have to make a Custom Conversion from it.

When you create your Facebook campaign, select conversion as your marketing objective. On the next page, select the event or the custom conversion you want to optimize for. For WooCommerce websites that's usually Purchase, but, depending on your strategy, it can be anything.

Here's an example of one campaign that we run, optimized for the CompleteRegistration event. It promotes subscription to our newsletter.

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Cristian Stoicescu
Hard-worker at PixelYourSite.com

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