The Workout That Will Last You All Year 

From: Onnit - Friday Dec 31,2021 05:26 pm

Hey there. How ya doin’? How’s that New Year’s Resolution to get in the best shape of your life coming along? We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you’re not kicking ass on your fitness goals by now—and even if you are—you’re at high risk for giving up on them any day now. At least that’s what the statistics show.

When researchers look into why people fail to achieve their fitness goals, a few reasons repeatedly come up. If you made the resolution alone and don’t have friends or other supporters to share it with, your motivation will lag. Not having a plan for your training is another problem, resulting in a lack of focus and direction. Thirdly, some people just succumb to the sheer boredom associated with the monotony of working out.

Using alternating periodization to program your workouts can be the solution to all of these problems. Read on to see how!


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